I was thrilled to receive the following note Sunday from our friend Evelyn, a member of our Sunday School class. Evelyn read both "Frontier Stories" and "A Visit to Mars" by G.V. Albertson and the note is so great:
Andy & Cathy,
Thank you so much for loaning me your great grandfather's books! What a joy to read about the pioneering ministry of the wild west and his sharing about first hand witnessing of history of our nation!
I'm speechless about his visions of the future that he shared in the "Mars" book! Fantastic!
Wow, thank you Evelyn! She actually told me she had wished she could read on and on even more stories as she came to the end of "Frontier Stories".
As you might have noted, I loaned these copies to Evelyn - it is my sincere desire for many people to read and be blessed by my great grandfather's works of decades ago. If you are reading this blog and wish to read these books, rather than buy them, it would be my pleasure to also loan them to you - I have a couple copies of each circulating around.
Have a great week!
The Forgotten Writings of Reverend Garrett V. Albertson, My Great Grandfather
This blog is dedicated to the newly found messages, in both sermon and book form, written and delivered by my great grandfather, the late Rev. Garrett V. Albertson. I have just republished two books he wrote which have been out of print for decades. I want you to experience his heart and be inspired by it. SEE MY INTRODUCTION TO THIS BLOG BY SCROLLING TO THE BOTTOM POST. -Andy Shaffer
"Go Into All The World..."
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Another Review
Here is a great review from another reader of both books....Andy
As for A Visit to
Mars, I admit that at first I was wondering why a pastor would write a book
with such a title. However, quickly it became evident that this was a fictional
account with real life application. I found the book extremely compelling and
challenging, as even a fictional account of true revival taking place in a
society through evangelistic fervor thrills my heart. May God’s people rise up
and share with “Earthlings” the true message of salvation through faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ." ~by Rev. Roy Pierce
"I was
privileged to be able to read Frontier Stories and A Visit to Mars.
Frontier Stories
is a book that was hard to put down. A great adventure that held my attention
throughout. How the author, G.V. Albertson, survived the pioneering experiences
and perils of the Old West made me realize that God interceded on behalf of
this man, who was determined and committed to share the Gospel message at all
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
REVIEW: "I Never Got Bored With It"
How about a couple reviews now that 'Frontier Stories' has been out there awhile!
Fran E. of GA from my Sunday School class told me the other day - "Andy, I am lovin' your great grandfather's book - I am sure enjoying reading it."
Wow, thanks Fran, I hope you enjoy it right to the end.
Dave S. of VA told me "I never got bored with it." He went on to praise the concise writing style and even said "You didn't have a chance to get bored with anything." He said he and his wife would pick out 'Frontier Stories' or 'A Visit to Mars' which they are finishing now- during their designated reading times.
Another reader Tom B. from KS wrote me an email awhile back - in describing the author - "His courage and strength as a human being, guided by faith is breathtaking. As I read each of his exploits, I found myself wanting to walk or ride beside him to experience the events first hand. And I would bet he would be happy with that outcome, that the reader would feel moved to walk by his side in their hearts and begin their own faith-guided journey."
Wow again! Tom B. from KS does NOT have a religious background at all, but told me his "hobby" was reading books and ranked this one high on his list.
More reviews coming - SEND ME YOUR REVIEWS, PLEASE or write them in the COMMENTS to this or any other post - and include your thoughts on 'A Visit to Mars', my great grandfather's other (but very different) book.
Fran E. of GA from my Sunday School class told me the other day - "Andy, I am lovin' your great grandfather's book - I am sure enjoying reading it."
Wow, thanks Fran, I hope you enjoy it right to the end.
Dave S. of VA told me "I never got bored with it." He went on to praise the concise writing style and even said "You didn't have a chance to get bored with anything." He said he and his wife would pick out 'Frontier Stories' or 'A Visit to Mars' which they are finishing now- during their designated reading times.
Another reader Tom B. from KS wrote me an email awhile back - in describing the author - "His courage and strength as a human being, guided by faith is breathtaking. As I read each of his exploits, I found myself wanting to walk or ride beside him to experience the events first hand. And I would bet he would be happy with that outcome, that the reader would feel moved to walk by his side in their hearts and begin their own faith-guided journey."
Wow again! Tom B. from KS does NOT have a religious background at all, but told me his "hobby" was reading books and ranked this one high on his list.
More reviews coming - SEND ME YOUR REVIEWS, PLEASE or write them in the COMMENTS to this or any other post - and include your thoughts on 'A Visit to Mars', my great grandfather's other (but very different) book.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
A New Description on Amazon and eBay
A book almost of prophesy with deep spiritual undertones. Perhaps I should have written that in a recent description for Amazon listing 'A Visit to Mars'. Regardless, I thought the Amazon book synopsis should be freshened-up, so I composed the following. The book is so complex, yet straight-forward in many ways. Let me know if this new Amazon description is adequate. thanks, Andy
“A Visit to Mars” was last published in 1902 by my great grandfather Rev. G.V. Albertson who wrote this unique and remarkable tale describing a “regenerated world” found on Mars, complete with futuristic ideas and inventions. Like the sci fi author Jules Verne, my great grandfather describes inventions decades before they appeared. It is also a truly moving Christian story that will be enjoyed by persons young and old, and can be an inspiration to us all. Only a handful of the original books exist, most of them in the hands of family members. I am now republishing this lost work keeping all the chapters intact and even retaining the incredible original cover from 1902 showing what appears to be an aircraft from today!
In the appendix I outline many futuristic inventions that the earth visitor found on Mars – items like “airboats”……helicopters……powerful telescopes that catch sound……MRI machines……..solar panels…….artificial lighting that turned “night into day”…..and even the Internet! What else would you call “vast columns of reading” flashed in dark Martian skies for all to read including beings on other planets? Even “a sermon from their greatest minister” was displayed for the entire universe to see.
My great grandfather had an imagination unusual for his time. He envisioned a world that reconciled with God early in its history thereby benefiting its people with so many spiritual and materialistic blessings. The many spiritual nuggets tucked in these pages will thrill the Christian of today. Rev. Albertson was a frontier missionary to the “wild west” starting in 1890 and I have republished another book he wrote in 1935 describing his “life and labors” with thrilling and true stories of his pioneer adventures. In all he began over 250 Sunday Schools in the territories of Oklahoma and Kansas during a 40 year ministry. I just want to share with the world the heart of my relative because I know you will be blessed. This second book is called “Frontier Stories” and is also available on Amazon. Andrew G. Shaffer
“A Visit to Mars” was last published in 1902 by my great grandfather Rev. G.V. Albertson who wrote this unique and remarkable tale describing a “regenerated world” found on Mars, complete with futuristic ideas and inventions. Like the sci fi author Jules Verne, my great grandfather describes inventions decades before they appeared. It is also a truly moving Christian story that will be enjoyed by persons young and old, and can be an inspiration to us all. Only a handful of the original books exist, most of them in the hands of family members. I am now republishing this lost work keeping all the chapters intact and even retaining the incredible original cover from 1902 showing what appears to be an aircraft from today!
In the appendix I outline many futuristic inventions that the earth visitor found on Mars – items like “airboats”……helicopters……powerful telescopes that catch sound……MRI machines……..solar panels…….artificial lighting that turned “night into day”…..and even the Internet! What else would you call “vast columns of reading” flashed in dark Martian skies for all to read including beings on other planets? Even “a sermon from their greatest minister” was displayed for the entire universe to see.
My great grandfather had an imagination unusual for his time. He envisioned a world that reconciled with God early in its history thereby benefiting its people with so many spiritual and materialistic blessings. The many spiritual nuggets tucked in these pages will thrill the Christian of today. Rev. Albertson was a frontier missionary to the “wild west” starting in 1890 and I have republished another book he wrote in 1935 describing his “life and labors” with thrilling and true stories of his pioneer adventures. In all he began over 250 Sunday Schools in the territories of Oklahoma and Kansas during a 40 year ministry. I just want to share with the world the heart of my relative because I know you will be blessed. This second book is called “Frontier Stories” and is also available on Amazon. Andrew G. Shaffer
Saturday, November 11, 2017
One of my publisher's favorite stories from Frontier Stories, and definitely one of the most heartwarming, is the chapter called, "How the Bird won the Race." This chapter is a loving tribute to the birth of my great grandfather's daughter, and my late aunt, Daisy. Daisy was born under unique circumstances, and went on to hold a very high place in the Presbyterian church, when women were still testing the limits of equal rights.
According to a 1930's newspaper article I found recently about my aunt Daisy's life and work in the Presbytery, she had a relentless passion for foreign missions. She also inspired many hundreds of women here in the US to do more for the poor around the world.
Read Daisy's story and much, much more in Frontier Stories, now available for immediate purchase!
According to a 1930's newspaper article I found recently about my aunt Daisy's life and work in the Presbytery, she had a relentless passion for foreign missions. She also inspired many hundreds of women here in the US to do more for the poor around the world.
Read Daisy's story and much, much more in Frontier Stories, now available for immediate purchase!
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From a Page in Frontier Stories |
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Final Reviews of Republished Books
Final reviews of
the soon to be republished Frontier Stories and A Visit to Mars have been done
and are being sent for print proof this week! Release dates and prices are soon
to be revealed, so stay tuned!
In the meantime,
did you know that A Visit to Mars is verifiably one of the first print works to
introduce the concept of night vision goggles, high capacity airplanes, and the
MRI? Check out these great quotes about all of these current realities that
were scarcely imagined in 1900 and 1902...
"'We also
have other means of seeing at night...'
He was gone a
moment and came back with a pair of queer-shaped spectacles, the glasses of
which were very deep and cup shaped. He placed them over Van Garlsett’s eyes
and fastened them by a narrow band that reached around his head. 'Now,' said
the Martian, 'I will turn off the light again,' and he did so, but behold! his
guest could see almost as well as before. It appeared as if it might be a bit
cloudy, but that was the only difference."
High Capacity "Airships"
"They passed
cities large and small; circling around them were flocks of airships...they
passed many travelers on their way, men and women young and old. They saw some
ships of such enormous size that thousands were traveling together in
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
If There Was Money In It - Conclusion
Below is the final portion of the subject
titled "Two Minute Sermon" my great grandfather wrote during the
1930's in a Florida newspaper. He wrote many of these types of articles and his
message always clearly ended on the topic of Salvation. This is why my
publisher, my friends, and I are currently republishing my great grandfather's
writings. We all have been fascinated by his insight, prophetic vision, and his
charming writing/presentation of his messages; but, none of this compares to
the spiritual astuteness by which he consistently taps into the human condition
overall. Few of his writings does this better than the one referenced.
Text: “Money is
the principal thing, therefore get money, and with all thy getting, get rich.”
(Found nowhere in the Bible)
If there was money
in learning the exact theory of Salvation according to the Bible – good pay I
mean – how all would study the plan. Suppose graduation as in school. Then what
if $500 could be set aside for each high school Bible graduate; and further,
higher scholars ranking with 33 degree masons to receive several thousand. What
a trend in education would be seen! How many other courses would get slighted!
How many false cults and isms would disappear. What a shaping of mind and
character would appear! The very faces of people would change unconsciously –
reflecting heavenly knowledge. The big spur of course would be the sure $500
and the possible prize of several thousand. But new light, true views,
unthought of glories – the really great and worthwhile things of life for which
man is created would gradually take precedence. Without even knowing when, why,
or where, great changes in people would appear.
If there was money
in it, people would live like Christians – or try to. Suppose a monthly sum of
$25 could be spared from Uncle Sam’s generous pocket for every person who
painstakingly tries to follow the Gospel plan. What a difference everywhere! Of
course only “born again” people could do it, but everybody would be attempting
it. It would have two great effects: (1) saved people would be vastly improved
(2) unsaved folks would in many cases become Christians, and would be greatly
helped. How much more could be said. But any thinking person will confess that
God’s way is best after all – to have spiritual – not money motives, and be
faithful to the end.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
If There Was Money In It - Part 2
The below is part 2 of the
"Two Minute Sermon" I shared last week. Enjoy!
Text: “Money is the principal
thing, therefore get money, and with all thy getting, get rich.” (Found nowhere
in the Bible)
If there was money in Bible
reading how well known the book would become! Suppose $50 was given for reading
it through each year, three chapters every weekday, and five on Sunday, or some
other well approved plan. Children would begin long before reaching their teens
even if whipped by their parents to make them do so. The money would be needed
to use all along, or perhaps wise parents would have the children lay up for
themselves. And think how happy the sight when the 21st birthday came near to
see the roll of bills! Even the five million illiterates of our land would
disappear. Everybody would learn to read to get the 50 per year. But it is not
so, far from it. The Bible is not all easy reading, many are not interested,
most people think they are too busy, etc., etc., but every blessing as under
our first head might become theirs if they did so read – anyone can see.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Two Minute Sermons
One of the treats
I was gifted recently with my great grandfather's belongings was a handful of newspaper
clippings from a 1939 Florida newspaper. These clippings were of a column called
"Two Minute Sermons" authored by my great grandfather. Some were so
fragile that they fell apart at the touch, and some were barely readable. But they were like reading a modern day blog! Each week he chose a different
title, referenced a Bible verse, and outlined the practical and spiritual
impact of the title and verse on life. Below is part of one of my favorites,
and one I chose to include in our republished version of Frontier Stories.
Text: “Money is
the principal thing, therefore get money, and with all thy getting, get rich.”
(Found nowhere in the Bible)
If two or three
dollars could be paid to each one attending church each Sunday, how full our
houses of worship would be. Standing room would not be found, more churches
would have to be built. No matter about weather, people would come. Cold, hot,
rainy, snowey, dark – who’d care? They’d need the money. Ragged people, sick
people, deaf people, cripples – some carried – awfully wicked people, tramps
happening along just in time, all sorts and kinds, what throngs! Thousands of
excuses would suddenly vanish, best reasons for church attendance would always
be seen, please don’t forget it dear reader, the multitudes would be there if
there was money in it.
And what a sight after
the benediction to see Santa at the door handing out bills to happy departing
people! But alas, alas, it’s not the case, so the majority stay away – how true
to life! Of course there might be a new and transformed life in going:
happiness, Salvation, satisfaction nowhere else known, the blessing of the
beatitudes, eternal life, heaven etc., but these are things not see by the
natural eye, so are passed up.
Over time, I will
be sharing all of these insightful and inspiring sermons with you. I hope you enjoy!
Stay tuned for part two of "If There Was Money in It" next week!!
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
"The Other Four Hours"
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A Third Publication by Garrett Albertson Describes How a Person Can Improve Their Life by Reading Four Hours a Day |
One of the
chapters in his book I am republishing under the name Frontier Stories, talks
about how he experienced an awakening from one sentence he read as a twenty
year old. That one sentence transformed his life from one of a time waster to a
"time miser" as he puts it. One sentence sets his life on a course he
had never considered, and had previously been unqualified for.
Reading this
chapter entitled, "An Awakening" reminds me of how relevant my great
grandfather's wisdom is even to today's generations. He writes, "It is one
thing to lay hold of a truth; quite another to have truth lay hold of you. When
this great truth burned into my heart, what a difference it made in my life!
After this I lived by the clock. Each day had twenty-four hours; four of them I
must secure for reading purposes. At first I read indiscriminately, then to a
My great
grandfather goes on to recount how, not allowing his station or the obstacles
in life to hinder him, in an era where secondary education was not expected or
easily available, he pursued education and never stopped reading in order to
create a life that had meaning and impact. And that is exactly what happened.
Going on to achieve a great many accomplishments within the Presbyterian
church, including starting more than 250 Sunday School's across the nation, my
great grandfather holds the honor of being one of the founding fathers of the
very first presbyterian church in Enid Oklahoma.
Be sure to read
this entire chapter in Frontier Stories to find out what that sentence was that
transformed his life!
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
"Saved by My Glasses," from Frontier Stories
I really can't
wait to share some of the stories from my great grandfather's autobiographical
account of the 40 or so years he spent as a Sunday School Missionary in the
Wild West and preacher at the beginning of the 20th century! His book was
originally titled Kingdom Stories, but I have since begun republishing it to be
released under the name, Frontier Stories.
One chapter in the
book is titled "Saved by my Glasses." In it, a thrilled but shaken
Garrett Albertson tells of how an emotional lady recounted to him how she had,
moments before welcoming him into her home, stood at her door was ready to fire
her gun at him! She had initially mistaken my great grandfather for someone
else. She then suddenly noticed his glasses that flashed in the sun, and
realized he was not the person she thought he was!
How thrilled I was
a few months ago when my "Uncle Mackey" told me he had a pair of
glasses (shown) in my great grandfather's things he had retrieved after his
funeral in 1952. Of course, I can't be sure THOSE were the glasses; but I decided
to publish the photo next to the aforementioned chapter inquiring whether these
MIGHT just be the very glasses that saved my great grandfather's life. I'll
never know for sure.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Predictions found in 'A Visit to Mars'
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Original Book Cover of A Visit to Mars |
We haven't talk
much about the amazing predictions found in my great grandfather's 1902 book A
Visit to Mars. One futuristic idea stands out in my mind - in addition to
foretelling physical inventions like outdoor lighting "turning night into
day," retractable roofs so telescopes could be placed, seat belts, and
others - one that caught my attention recently was the novel concept of
elevating women! Yes, before women were allowed to vote, before women's lib -
the "regenerated" people on Mars greatly respected women and made
sure modern inventions like the dishwasher and washing machine were invented to
ease their burden. Let me just share some from the text to give you the idea:
"There was no
house drudgery of any sort here for the women; no oppression by the opposite
sex because of superior strength; no wearing out and breaking down long years
before nature intended it;....In all respects they were man's equal and enjoyed
the high place at his side for which they were designed." He further
writes, "Their work, too, was simplified and reduced to a minimum and to
modes of agreeable and healthful exercise."
"Van Garlsett
presently found himself in a neat room that was not only a kitchen but was the
place where the electrical heat and light originated. ... The dishes that were
to be washed were placed in an orderly manner in one end of a long sink which
led to a cupboard built in the wall. In a moment, by some process, water rose
and covered and foamed about them so they could not be seen; then the water
disappeared and the steam arising told him that they were being dried by heat.
A moment later, by some other hidden process, they were quickly propelled to
the other end of the sink and into the cupboard, the door of which opened to
receive them and they were resting in their places until needed again. It was
all done far quicker than it takes to write it, and Van Garlsett felt that he
must see it again to get clear apprehension of it."
"Then they
opened a stationary washing machine and put one of the piles of clothing into
it. A lever was touched which closed the machine; there was a slight sputter
within and a moment or two later the lot was done. Then the Martians spread the
clothing on a broad belt which immediately began to revolve. The clothing went
out of sight into a heated passage where it was so rapidly fanned by hot air as
to be dried in two or three minutes. This process was repeated for each pile of
clothing. ...then they ironed the clothes. They simply spread the clothing upon
a belt that carried it between several sets of heated rollers; when or how any
starch was applied Van Garlsett could not tell. But when the clothes issued
from the last set of rollers, they were by far the finest laundered clothing he
had ever seen. The smiling faces of the women to whom the labor was a pleasure
and the very short time in which it was all done, perhaps twenty-five minutes,
contrasted strangely with all the washdays he had seen."
If you want to get
additional snippets of insights and fun facts more than once a week here, LIKE
my page on Facebook at: facebook.com/AVisittoMars.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Introduction to this blog
My name is Andy Shaffer and this blog is all about my great grandfather, the late Rev. Garrett V. Albertson. He was a remarkable man in so many ways and left me a heritage I wish to now share. He died when I was four years old, so I don’t remember our only encounter as told to me by my parents, but just in recent months I have discovered so much more about him that I want the world to get to know him and his heart.
My great grandfather was a Sunday school missionary to our wild, western frontier – to places like Oklahoma and Kansas – back when they were just territories full of lonely trails, Indians, wild beasts, bandits. He risked life and limb for a noble cause. He wasn’t a writer by trade, but he wrote charmingly about his “life and labors” in a 1935 book called Kingdom Stories. In it he confides numerous personal accounts and experiences, many suspenseful, others humorous that not only tell of his part in spreading God’s gospel to needy rugged pioneers, but he also contributes a unique eyewitness history account of America’s western frontier.
Only a few copies of Kingdom Stories were published and few remain today, and most of those belong to aging family members. I obtained my copy from a rare book dealer on Amazon and was so delighted to see my great grandfather’s fountain pen signature and inscription on the inside front cover.
Family members told me of one other book he wrote – much earlier – around the turn of the century called A Visit to Mars – an adventurous tale of an earth traveler arriving on the red planet. And, remember, this is between 1900 and 1902 when it was written and published. Amazingly, like Jules Verne, my great Grandfather describes advanced life on Mars with so many futuristic and visionary aspects that it boggled my mind! I started composing a list of them which included airships, helicopters, solar panels, night vision goggles, huge telescopes to see other planets including earth, women’s equality (would you believe in 1902!) and yes, even the internet. Perhaps you will help me find more predictions as I share excerpts in this blog and unveil this very remarkable story. However, the real theme and purpose of the book is not about the advanced state of Mars and all of its grandeur, but rather how a society can become of such high order by simply putting God first, and evangelizing its people, thereby unleashing God’s Spirit and favor upon their civilization.
This science fiction book is even more difficult to locate today than Kingdom Stories. Both have been out of print for decades. In fact our research shows that the Peoria Public Library has the only public copy of the revised and republished edition of A Visit to Mars which is dated 1902.
Family members have told me it was Garrett’s desire to “better publish” both of these writings. In fact I found one old paper where he states one of the books “is again in form and ready to submit properly for republication as soon as conditions will allow.” But, neither book was republished from those few original copies. It just never happened and what a shame. Since I have copies of both books in original form it is now my goal to republish them both, complete with illustrations and explanations. Perhaps this blog will test if that is a wise decision and that others would benefit by reading them.
Lastly, a family member recently gave me many of my great grandfather's original papers and effects that were stored for over sixty years. I found numerous sermons published in a Florida newspaper around 1939. Could I share with you some of those great thoughts from a man who truly walked with God? Many of his messages speak to a very different era as well as to spiritual topics that have become foreign or overlooked in our current, fast paced, American culture. And yet, these are topics that are deeply relevant and helpful to the collective soul of humankind.
It is with all this in mind that I dedicate this blog to sharing the heart of my great grandfather including his many messages delivered, whether in sermon or book form. I hope and pray that each visitor to this blog will find what I and some close friends already have found: a sense of hope and vision through a wonderful plan called, Salvation.
Only a few copies of Kingdom Stories were published and few remain today, and most of those belong to aging family members. I obtained my copy from a rare book dealer on Amazon and was so delighted to see my great grandfather’s fountain pen signature and inscription on the inside front cover.
Family members told me of one other book he wrote – much earlier – around the turn of the century called A Visit to Mars – an adventurous tale of an earth traveler arriving on the red planet. And, remember, this is between 1900 and 1902 when it was written and published. Amazingly, like Jules Verne, my great Grandfather describes advanced life on Mars with so many futuristic and visionary aspects that it boggled my mind! I started composing a list of them which included airships, helicopters, solar panels, night vision goggles, huge telescopes to see other planets including earth, women’s equality (would you believe in 1902!) and yes, even the internet. Perhaps you will help me find more predictions as I share excerpts in this blog and unveil this very remarkable story. However, the real theme and purpose of the book is not about the advanced state of Mars and all of its grandeur, but rather how a society can become of such high order by simply putting God first, and evangelizing its people, thereby unleashing God’s Spirit and favor upon their civilization.
This science fiction book is even more difficult to locate today than Kingdom Stories. Both have been out of print for decades. In fact our research shows that the Peoria Public Library has the only public copy of the revised and republished edition of A Visit to Mars which is dated 1902.
Family members have told me it was Garrett’s desire to “better publish” both of these writings. In fact I found one old paper where he states one of the books “is again in form and ready to submit properly for republication as soon as conditions will allow.” But, neither book was republished from those few original copies. It just never happened and what a shame. Since I have copies of both books in original form it is now my goal to republish them both, complete with illustrations and explanations. Perhaps this blog will test if that is a wise decision and that others would benefit by reading them.
Lastly, a family member recently gave me many of my great grandfather's original papers and effects that were stored for over sixty years. I found numerous sermons published in a Florida newspaper around 1939. Could I share with you some of those great thoughts from a man who truly walked with God? Many of his messages speak to a very different era as well as to spiritual topics that have become foreign or overlooked in our current, fast paced, American culture. And yet, these are topics that are deeply relevant and helpful to the collective soul of humankind.
It is with all this in mind that I dedicate this blog to sharing the heart of my great grandfather including his many messages delivered, whether in sermon or book form. I hope and pray that each visitor to this blog will find what I and some close friends already have found: a sense of hope and vision through a wonderful plan called, Salvation.
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